
To start using our service, simply Sign-Up, it is free!

With our free service, you get to encode up to 12 qubit quantum state vector!

There are more service-classes: standard and enterprise. Please contact us if you are interested.

Sign Up? Sign Up!

You need the API key

In order to do anything with our service, you need to fetch your API key. The way to do that is simple:

Fetch the Key

You can copy the key into your clipboard and paste it into the

  • Python-SDK

  • as header for HTTP requests (use x-api-key)

  • add to the site header for the Hypermedia UI

Explore the API-Spec through the Hypermedia UI

If you really are keen to explore the API and see how Hypermedia+Siren looks like, you can check out the Hypermedia UI. Here, you can explore generically the methodology / ontology of the Q-Alchemy digital product.

To use it, you must go to Settings > Sites and click on “Add Site”. There you enter the host name, and then add the header x-api-key and the API key to the value. Next, please close the settings window, and ready you are.

Best way to use the API: our SDK

The best way to use the API is really through the Python SDK! You can check out the example Jupyter-notebook where you will see that you need to copy the API key to the right place:

from baa_sdk import Client
client = Client(api_key="your key")

It really is that simple! But please get additional information on GitHub.

Want to get to know the API in Detail? A Live-Demo!

Connecting our service to your work

We use our Python SDK to do a full Q-Alchemy Job:

  1. Connect to the API
  2. Create a random 12 qubit quantum state
  3. Create a new Q-Alchemy Job
  4. Configure the Job: a fidelity loss and tags to find the job again
  5. Upload the quantum state vector
  6. Check the Q-Alchemy Job
  7. Schedule the Q-Alchemy Job
  8. Fetch the Results

Finally, you want to use Q-Alchemy to help you to do better research! How do you integrate the resulting data into your quantum circuit?

A result-node in the SDK like this

result_node = job.get_result().get_best_node()

does have a method called to_circuit which generates the circuit you need to generate your quantum state with the fidelity loss as you configured. It uses the qclib (GitHub) under the hood, a great open-source library!

Write your request with your programming language

Well, that is the fundamental way of doing it. Please use as header X-Api-Key: API-KEY, and you should be able to request the JSON payload. The Hypermedia+Siren API has a fixed structure for semantic ease so that you can expect the same elements throughout. You can, in fact, check the Python SDK as an example of how to consume such an API.